Why ExploreMyPC is a better option Than an in-house CMS

ExploreMyPC is a proprietary platform, on which our source code cannot be accessed. With this type of software, you won’t have to worry about the software vulnerabilities that are typical of open

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Why ExploreMyPC Is A Better Option Than An In-House CMS

Here at ExploreMyPC, when we invite service providers to join our Partner Program, we find that some of them are full-service agencies and vertical solutions providers who have either tried building their own CMS or actually have one that is currently up and running. Opting to build a CMS in-house is a move...

A tremendous amount of time has been spent browsing the internet researching the psychological effects that different color schemes invoke when used in a website design.

Quiet often our clients solicit advice from us as to what colors should be selected for their website, and equally as often we are asked what sort of em#1 Your In-house CMS is going to cost a lot

Tremendous amounts of time, effort and focus are required to develop a product, no matter what it is. When this product happens to be an in-house CMS that will be introduced as a new addition to a company’s arsenal of products, a business will have to pull resources away from innovating core products in order to focus on building it.

A CMS is a framework, so you have to consider what functionalities will be needed at the core of the new CMS you want to build. Then, you will have to decide which innovations will be worth building out –– without any guarantee that customers will even use them — and this is what is needed just to get started. Efficiently maintaining and updating the CMS will call for additional, ongoing investments of resources. More on that later…

#2 The competition has a polished product

When it comes to website builders, there are multiple large, well-funded companies with hundreds of developers at their disposal, focused on building and innovating their products. Consequently, if a service provider is considering building their own CMS, they should ask themselves what the chances are that their finished product will stand up to similar products on the market. If the chances are anything less than high, then it’s not going to be worth the trouble.

#3 The competition has a bigger budget

When all is said and done, your customers have many options to choose from. So regardless of whether or not you believe the leading web design platforms targeting SMBs are competitors, they are. And aside from offering popular website builders, they all have one thing in common: they are spending millions of dollars a year researching, developing and marketing their products. Wix alone spent $54.56M on R&D in Q4 2018, created Superbowl ads and has even recruited Captain Marvel to promote their websites.

#4 The finished product won’t live up to its expectations

Even if a service provider successfully makes it through brainstorming, planning and creating a new CMS, the quality of the finished product might prove to be another roadblock. Since it’s hard to know for sure how a CMS will look, feel and work until the product is complete, there’s no telling what tools, integrations and updates will be needed to improve your end product so it better addresses the needs of your customer base.

More often than not, the end product will fall below expectations in some way. For example, sites might score low on performance tests such as Google’s new Lighthouse test or certain features won’t function properly without the use of plugins, which further contribute to their slow performance.

#5 Ongoing maintenance costs a lot

Remember, creating a CMS is just the beginning. It will routinely need to be kept up to date with the latest design trends (such as video backgrounds, parallax designs) and best practices in order to stay afloat in a competitive market. This is a constant process that, along with investment and innovation, must never stop. Just six months without updates can turn a current product into a relic, especially website builders.

By taking the time to think deeply about the ongoing development required for a CMS, you will see not only how quickly costs can add up, but also the other places where that money would go to better use.

#6 The In-house CMS will need a lot of support

Just like most new products, a brand new CMS will come with a learning curve. Customer support will be required to help customers get familiar with a product, and troubleshoot it if any challenges come up. Count on investing more time and resources inadequate customer support (hiring and training employees). Without it, a little problem with a product can quickly turn into a big one. Nothing kills a product faster than customer dissatisfaction.


If you use the ExploreMyPC platform as a blueprint for creating a top-notch website builder, you will clearly see what components an in-house CMS requires to be seen as a viable option for website building. And in doing so, we also hope that you will see the many benefits (which we will cover) of using ExploreMyPC’s tried and trusted and web design platform instead.

#1 ExploreMyPC is a secure & stable platform

ExploreMyPC is a proprietary platform, on which our source code cannot be accessed. With this type of software, you won’t have to worry about the software vulnerabilities that are typical of open source platforms such as WordPress. We also encrypt all ExploreMyPC-built sites with auto-renewing SSL certificates.

Downtimes can send many customers running from one CMS to the next, but ExploreMyPC users don’t have to worry about that either. All sites built on ExploreMyPC experience outstanding monthly uptimes thanks to the continual work of our DevOps team, and our reliance on AWS hosting.

#2 ExploreMyPC gives you a creative & competitive edge

Some platforms were built for blogs; ExploreMyPC was built for web design. When it’s time to build sites, ExploreMyPC grants full design freedom to the creative eye, and access to the code for your developers (in our developer portal ). You can easily design beautiful sites from scratch or sleek templates (many of which are designed specifically for the numerous types of businesses our pros serve). Each site can easily be customized with design elements, as well as pre-built and/or custom-built widgets. We also offer a robust eCommerce solution for stores housing up to 2500 products.

Every site built on ExploreMyPC is also optimized for lightning-fast loading, SEO, and can be turned into a conversion-driving machine with website personalization and marketing campaigns that can quickly be built using Facebook pixels and Google analytics.

#3 ExploreMyPC never stops innovating

When you use ExploreMyPC, you’re working with a product that has been continually developed and innovated over the last decade. And we release weekly product updates to keep our platform current and in line with the industry’s highest standards for web design. When you use ExploreMyPC under your brand, these product updates become your product updates –– without the extra R&D costs.

#4 Our API is Powerful

It would be extremely difficult to build an in-house CMS with an API as robust as ours. On ExploreMyPC, you can use our API for a multitude of functions –– from building websites instantly for your clients using structured data to creating your own custom workflows and automatically managing content that appears in more than one location on the web. Service providers will be hard-pressed to find, much less build, another CMS that lets you accomplish these tasks so quickly and easily.

#5 We support you while you support your team & clients

As a service provider, your team and customers matter. On ExploreMyPC, you can effectively manage both –– at scale –– with team roles, client permissions and collaboration tools such as Site Comments. We also have incredible education and customer success teams ready to help you learn more about our platform’s impressive capabilities and offer you comprehensive product support.


For companies such as digital marketing agencies and vertical solutions providers, it’s a great idea to provide as many services as possible to your customer base so that you eventually become a ‘one-stop shop’ or ‘full-service’ business. But it’s just as important to make sure that your offerings uphold a level of quality to be a contender on the market. You should also consider the size of your customer base, as the rate of adoption needs to justify the costs of integrating with the ExploreMyPC platform in the first place.

For the time and money that it would take to build a CMS with no guarantee of success, it makes more sense to work with ExploreMyPC instead. ExploreMyPC has built a good standing in the web design industry and an impressive track record of more than 6,000 successful partnerships, 22 industry awards, and over 13 million websites built and counting. What better way to show your end clients that you’re taking the innovative lead than with a cutting edge CMS?

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